
Uncategorized / 05.10.2017

Our own Brock Jordan recently obtained a favorable appellate court ruling in an estate dispute of unique precedence. Most lawyers haven’t thought about the Dead Man’s Statute since law school, and view laches as an idle threat. Brock Jordan saw these doctrines for what they are: good law. Through bold and strategic advocacy, Brock handed his client a victory on Tuesday, when the Indiana Court of Appeals issued a favorable ruling.
Insurance / 22.09.2017

By Justin Wiser and Sebastian Spears

 One of the most important skills for an attorney is legal writing. Yet, it goes beyond "an arresting opener, a clean narrative line, and polish throughout."[1] Whether you are a litigator or a transactional attorney, a recent case from the Indiana Court of Appeals emphasizes the importance of incorporating proofreading into your writing process, specifically focusing on formatting and uniformity.
Uncategorized / 21.03.2017

There is an old adage that the devil is in the details. A recent decision from the First Circuit Court of Appeals demonstrates that sometimes the smallest oversight can create huge problems. At issue was a wage overtime statute which exempted from the payment of overtime wages certain work, including the “packing for shipment or distribution” of certain foods. When dairy drivers were not paid overtime wages, they sued, arguing that the exemption applied only to employees who packaged food for shipment or distribution, as opposed to employees who simply distributed the packaged food as they did.